INTERESTED IN HOSTING? A place for our city to pray A 24/7 prayer room for anyone to pray, encounter Jesus, and bring new levels of peace and unity in Fort Wayne, the region, and world. VISIT PRAYERWORKS Find out which churches and organizations are hosting this week. VIEW CURRENT WEEK
INTERESTED IN HOSTING? A place for our city to pray A 24/7 prayer room for anyone to pray, encounter Jesus, and bring new levels of peace and unity in Fort Wayne, the region, and world. VISIT PRAYERWORKS Find out which churches and organizations are hosting this week. VIEW CURRENT WEEK
INTERESTED IN HOSTING? A place for our city to pray A 24/7 prayer room for anyone to pray, encounter Jesus, and bring new levels of peace and unity in Fort Wayne, the region, and world. VISIT PRAYERWORKS Find out which churches and organizations are hosting this week. VIEW CURRENT WEEK

Sign Up Now

Sign up for your church or organization to host the prayer room for a full or half day.

In a chaotic world, just imagine what could happen if people of all denominational backgrounds regularly came together to pray for the peace and well-being of our city and world!

Regardless of where you are in your journey with God, this is a dedicated space both for the passionate follower of Jesus as well as those simply searching for who God is in life.

God’s Presence

PrayerWorks is a designated space for people to break away from the daily routine of life in order to engage with God, reflect on the love of Jesus, and draw near to God’s Spirit in both prayer and worship.

Our Unity

For too long, unnecessary barriers have stood in the way. PrayerWorks is a tangible expression of unity, hosted by individuals, churches, and ministries of all denominations with our love for Jesus as our common bond.

The City’s Peace

PrayerWorks is a place of prayer for the good of our city, region, and world. This includes prayers for healthier individuals and families, businesses, nonprofits, government, education, healthcare, and the overall prosperity of Fort Wayne.

What will the experience look like?

  1. Talk with a host (or just slip in if you prefer!)
  2. Choose how to engage the room
  3. Enter into your time of prayer

Three ways to engage the room


Not sure where to start? The room is laid out intentionally with prayer spaces to make it as easy as possible for you to engage. Don’t hesitate to ask one of our room hosts if you still have questions!


If you simply want to find a designated space to engage in prayer, feel free to use it as you see fit.


If you simply want to find a designated space to engage in prayer, feel free to use it as you see fit.


There will be specific times throughout the week for corporate prayer and worship together around various themes.

Note: PrayerWorks is a place dedicated solely for prayer.
While we love activities like Bible studies and small groups, we ask that you conduct those at an alternative location.

PrayerWorks Manifesto

No Agendas

No Pressure

No Judgment

No Political Affiliations

Dedicated Solely to Prayer

Under One Banner:


“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”

Jeremiah 29:7

Can I come if I’m ___________?
However you fill in the blank, the answer is a strong YES! While Christian leaders in our city host PrayerWorks, everyone in our city is welcome to use the prayer room 24/7.

“…for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Isaiah 56:7

PrayerWorks is:

  • Physically safe & supervised by hosts
  • Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Not tied to one church, organization, or denomination
Support PrayerWorks

Join us in our mission to bring 24/7 prayer to the city of Fort Wayne

Send Donations

1626 Broadway Suite 135
Fort Wayne 46802