Visiting the prayer room? Here’s what to expect!

An atmosphere of prayer and unity

Here are some examples of what you may see happening when you visit the prayer room.

Live or recorded music

Dedicated gathering times of worship & prayer

Scheduled prayer themes

People praying together

Different expressions of worship

Prayer request wall live feed

Your Guided PrayerWorks Experience

After being greeted by a host and visiting our welcome station (which we highly recommend on your initial visit!), below is an idea of each prayer station in the room centered around The Lord’s Prayer. We hope that these stations will help you connect with God, experience His goodness and love, and leave different than you came.
1. Our Father in heaven, holy is your nameJesus teaches us to approach God as a child would approach a parent. In Christ, God is our dad, and we are His precious sons and daughters whom He loves. At the same time, Jesus also taught us that we must approach God with reverence and awe because He is the perfect creator of all things.

Your Self-Guided PrayerWorks Experience

This is truly up to you! Whether you decide to walk through the prayer stations, engage in your own private prayer time, spend time sitting in silence, or something else, the prayer room is yours to navigate.

Please be sure to acknowledge the etiquette requirements of the room!

After Hours Scheduling

For the safety of our volunteers, the prayer room is locked during the evening from 10pm to 6am daily.  If you wish to visit the prayer room during these hours, please complete the form (at least 12 hours in advance of date/time you wish to visit) to schedule your prayer time so that the administrator can coordinate your visit to the room with the host(s) on duty.  Thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who leads the prayer room?

The room is a collaborative venture for the whole city led by over 100 churches and organizations who act as partners and hosts of the room. You can find the hosts at the entrance for any questions upon arriving. You can also view the current advisory team members overseeing PrayerWorks on our About page.

What’s the feel of the prayer room?

The room is open to the public 24/7 and will include people praying privately, in smaller groups, and in various gathered experiences throughout the week. There is a combination of both recorded and live background music. There are prayer stations available and places to just sit and pray on your own.

What themes and regular rhythms does the prayer room have?

Most of the time, people will come into the room and spend time praying on their own, but there will be times when prayer and worship will be organized. For example, there is a worship and prayer time together from 7:00-8:00 am and 7:00 – 8:00 pm every weekday. Also, churches can choose a theme for their focus when they host if they choose. Examples of themes can be adoption, human trafficking, schools, racial unity, and other various passions.

Will I have to engage in prayer in a manner that makes me uncomfortable?

Never. While we definitely think it can be transformative to learn from other traditions, denominations, etc., you will never be expected to engage the prayer room in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Can I have my Bible study in the prayer room if we are extra quiet?

While we love things like Bible studies, small groups, and other expressions of community and fellowship, we ask that those continue to take place outside of the prayer room. This space is exclusively for prayer.

Is it unrealistic to think churches from a wide variety of denominations will work together?

Unfortunately, churches can tend to focus on where they disagree versus where they agree. The church in Fort Wayne, however, has built a legacy of working together. This space is built on a foundation of a great deal of love, humility, and the willingness of churches to choose the greater good over their own preferences.

Are people of other religions and faiths welcome in the prayer room?

While Christian churches and organizations will lead the hosting of the room and Jesus will be at the center, anyone in the community is welcome.

What impact will this prayer room have in our city/region?

God desires to bless the city, and the people of the city, with peace and prosperity. However, he wants his people to pray and seek him first. There is a direct correlation between areas of kingdom breakthrough in a city and prayer. Prayer and action go hand in hand. This prayer room is an unending prayer space of God’s presence, light, and power radiating out to the entire city and region.

Is PrayerWorks a nonprofit, and are donations tax-deductible?

PrayerWorks operates under the nonprofit umbrella of Love Fort Wayne . Therefore, all donations are tax-deductible.

Prayer Room Etiquette

When visiting the Prayer Room we ask that you please:
  • Silence cell phones
  • Take conversations and phone calls outside the room
  • Take Bible studies and meetings outside the room
  • Respect privacy if taking photos or videos
  • Keep shoes on at all times
  • Do not eat in the room
  • Do not place anything on the cross
  • Do not sleep in the room
  • Be mindful that many people desire to pray quietly on their own
  • Be sensitive to people’s personal space
  • Do not save spots on chairs or leave anything in room
  • No alcohol allowed in room
  • Respect any direction given by the hosts

Have additional questions before visiting?
