Prayer Request – 2097

Pray for my church’s mission committee to choose the right people to send and support to do God’s work around the world.

Prayer Request – 2095

Praise: I just got back from a mission trip and I am forever changed on my perspective of serving!

Prayer Request – 2094

Please pray for my mother Patty. She is currently the hospital due to severe right leg pain and burning from nerve damage. Please pray for God healing. Pray for wisdom […]

Prayer Request – 2092

Please pray for my daughter. She is a high school athlete and trying to earn a spot on a volleyball team. She’s a great athlete, but she’s got a mental […]

Prayer Request – 2091

Prayers for Andrew and Nicole, God to draw himself close to them and protection in their marriage.

Prayer Request – education system

Pray for wisdom in our educational system: that those who lead will do so from God’s perspective, using His wisdom for the need of each child.

Prayer Request – prayerworks

Praying for God to select and assign more laborers to host His presence at Prayers Works and assist in the staffing. That the 24 hour channel of blessings descending and […]

Prayer Request – high schools

Come Holy Spirit!I pray for our surrounding community & high schools. Please pray for a SPARK to happen at all our local schools.