Prayer Request – self harm

Praise be to God, August 2024 has marked 47 months free from self-harm! Thank you, Jesus! I’d appreciate prayers for me to keep leaning into Jesus, fully trust Him, and […]

Prayer Request – found child

PRAISE REPORT!!!! Juvari Wolfe -Jennings HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!! THANK YOU LORD for reuniting him with his mother & family. Please continue to keep them lifted in prayer!

Prayer Request – Jenny son-in-law stroke

Please pray for our son-in-law Josh Lijewski (38), who suffered a stroke Tuesday. Doctors expect full recovery but he has a long road ahead. Pray that recovery will go fast […]

Prayer Request – ex-boyfriend

Please pray for my healing and deliverance and please pray that my ex-boyfriend and I can reconcile soon and talk whatever may come of it for my closure so I […]

Prayer Request – affair

Please pray for my husband – he has been having an affair – our marriage is nearly over – he continues to want to be with this other woman. I […]

Prayer Request – claim victory

I praise God in advance for every person fighting an addiction that they WILL WIN!! I claim VICTORY for those battling thoughts of suicide for they WILL LIVE!! I claim […]

Prayer Request – baby Elliott

Please pray for Olivia and Spencer as they are expecting their first baby, a little boy, who they are naming Elliott. They found out a couple of weeks ago that […]

Prayer Request – education system

Pray for wisdom in our educational system: that those who lead will do so from God’s perspective, using His wisdom for the need of each child.

Prayer Request – prayerworks

Praying for God to select and assign more laborers to host His presence at Prayers Works and assist in the staffing. That the 24 hour channel of blessings descending and […]